満州事変記念絵葉書 (Commemorative picture postcards of the Manchurian Incident)


「満州事変記念絵葉書」と題する少年倶楽部出版の絵葉書である(鈴木御水・画)。表紙に「三月号 付録」とあり、雑誌『少年倶楽部』(出版年不明)の三月号に付録として付いていたことがわかる。また満州事変は1931年に起きたことから、1931以降に出版された『少年倶楽部』の付録であったと考えられる。それに、1937年以降日本では人々の注目が日中戦争へ移ったことから、本葉書セットは1932年〜1937年の間に出されたものであると予想できる。


注2:無許可の転載禁止。転載及び使用希望の際は、必ずご連絡ください。©Justin Aukema. aukemajk@gmail.com 

By Justin Aukema

This is a series of postcards published by Shonen Kurabu and drawn by Suzuki Gyosui titled “Manshū jihen kinen ehagaki” (Commemorative picture postcards of the Manchurian Incident). The postcards were published as a supplement to an undated March edition of the of the magazine Shonen Kurabu. Since the Manchurian Incident occurred in 1931, it is possible to conclude that the postcards, as a commemorative set, were published sometime after this. After 1937, most attention in Japan shifted to the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-45). Therefore, it is likely that this set of postcards was published sometime between 1932-1937. 

*Please note, these images are wartime propaganda not accurate representations of historical events.

**Reuse of these images without permission is prohibited. Please contact the author if you wish to re-post or use the images below. ©Justin Aukema. aukemajk@gmail.com 

 絵葉書セット表紙 (Front cover of the postcard set)

一斉に火蓋を切る我が砲兵陣地 (One of our Japanese artillery positions opens fire all at once)

南嶺で奮戦する倉本少佐 (Major Kuramoto [and his men] put up a bitter fight at Nanling (nanrei)

市街戦に活躍する機関銃サイドカー (A machine-gun sidecar engages in street fighting)

敵の塹壕を踏みにじて進む我が戦車 (One of our Japanese tanks advances crushing over the enemy trenches)

敵陣に爆弾を投下する爆撃機 (Our bombers bomb an enemy encampment)

機関銃を浴びせて敵を追う装甲自動車 (Our camouflaged car rains down bullets as it pursues the enemy)

沿線の敵軍を砲撃しつつ驀進する装甲列車 (A Japanese camouflaged train car rapidly advances, bombarding the enemy army along way)

軍艦旗を先頭に陸戦隊の出動 (One of our landing forces holds the flag of the Imperial Japanese Navy before them as they prepare to head into battle)

遂に敵に囲まれた山田一等兵 (Before long, Private Yamada was surrounded by the enemy)

雪原の鉄道線路を護る月下の歩哨 (A sentry stands in a snowy field, bathed in moonlight as he guards the railway)

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